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Looking for Characters! [08 Jan 2020|02:31pm]


Hiya! I play Tony over at [info]avengers_mods and we're looking for a few characters right now. It's our 2 year anniversary, so if you're looking for a consistent group, we'd be happy to welcome you to the group!

Our most wanted right now is Steve Rogers, to help lead the team through some upcoming storylines. We're also looking for a Scott Lang, Vision, Gamora, Nebula along with other Avengers, Wakandans, Asgardians, and other minor characters.

If you'd like to join up, please check us out, and leave a message in the DROPBOX.Thanks! <3

Looking for characters! [23 Aug 2019|10:01am]

Hello! I play Tony Stark at [info]somerealitymods, a pan-fandom game set in a NYC replica. The game was two months old as of August 15th. Tony would love to see Happy Hogan, Bruce Banner, and James Rhodes in game. I'm generally pretty active with both threads and web entries and can roll with whatever your preference is for interaction.

Tony is currently running a new version of Stark Industries, working with others to solve the mystery of the Jubilant Entity, planning his wedding to Pepper, and learning how to be a father to several teenagers. He is close to Thor in game and the two recently lamented the missing link (Bruce) in their trio. Bruce could also join the “science club” consisting of several characters trying to solve the mysteries in Goodland. Rhodey is needed for emotional support and some good snark sessions! Tony misses his best friend desperately. Happy would be the icing on the cake and can definitely resume his position as friend and colleague for Tony. Morgan Stark and Peter Parker could use their three surrogate uncles too. We have several other Avengers in game as well as some MARVEL COMICS characters for these characters to interact with so please drop me a line if you are interested. You can find his profile here.
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Join a brand new panfandom! [06 Jun 2019|10:27am]

[ mood | chipper ]

Hello! [info]somerealitymods opens Saturday, June 15th and we'd love to see you there! Check out some wanted lines if you like, but sky is the limit. Many popular characters and faces available. Hold today!

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[17 May 2018|02:06pm]


Updated for Oct 2018

Wishing for Steve Rogers

for our Peggy!

Also: Bruce Banner, Peter Parker,

Vision, T'Challa, Rocket, Groot, Rhodey,

Falcon, Frigga, Yondu, Phil Coulson,

and more @ [info]avengers_mods.


Just another option for people over 30... [11 Oct 2017|07:33am]


his Asylum is dedicated to all writers over the age of 30/ 35 years old who can't find someone to write with in the usual communities which seem to have been taken over by twenty something's or even younger people.

Please. Don't take offence in this. It's just that sometimes, some of us prefer to write with people closer to our ages and more experience in life.

There is also the matter of:

* Communication. Which I found sometimes it's not the same between younger people and older than 30.

* Fandoms. Some of which younger people have barely even heard of and we still would love to write.

* Actors & Actresses. Sure we watch TV. Movies and we read. We keep adding PBs and characters to our lists all the time!

But truth is. Sometimes we go to the usual communities and we have NO idea who the person in the icon is! (This doesn't makes us old. We just don't move in the places that perhaps you do. Like perhaps you guys want to play people from reality shows. You tubers. Fighters from the Mixed Martial Arts. Wrestlers. etc. And some of us are just not interested in that)

This is a place in where people who wants to PSL or find partners for GPSLs around their age. They can.

Needless to say. If you are under 30 years old you won't be accepted in the community. I'm sorry. I'm doing this with the hope to make a place in where my decade can find partners who will hopefully communicate and commit like we used to years ago.

* To join the community please fill in the short application and wait to be accepted.


HP Game Stuff [29 May 2017|01:39pm]

Hey there! I'm Amber and I mod/play at [info]guiltbyassoc. It's an HP-RPG set in 2010 with some game mechanics that set us apart from the rest. We follow the lives of 32 characters in the '94-'97 age range. The game is built around character friend groups as well as their connections with Ministry vs Crime. We have some game mechanics like built in character canon, activity Character Boxes and an encouragement of Rapid-Fire writing. It's a super fun and laid back environment if you're looking to explore some adult themes with a doable activity minimum.

Anyway characters I'd personally love to see include; ... )
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[27 May 2017|10:21pm]

I can't seem to focus on anything worthwhile so instead, I wrote up some wants for my characters at Save Atlantis [info]saveatlantis and figured I'd share!

Save Atlantis Wants )
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Players seeking players! [12 Apr 2017|09:38pm]


My friend and I have found people to join us in our adventure! Thank you so much for reading this and/or the interest we've received. If anything changes, and we're able to open up this particular line to more people at a later date we'll certainly be back!

Thanks for being awesome everyone. :)

At this time myself and another writer are looking for 2-4 other players/writers who like to thread/log (gdocs) who would be interested in writing OC’s in a final fantasy-esque setting for a gpsl (for now) and ideally to take the whole group of characters to a game that will be opening later this year.

players~! )

Characters involved currently include but are not limited to!

Characters~! )

What we’re looking for!
• A black Mage type!
• A white Mage type!
• Another melee combatant type!
• Another type that we haven't thought of but would be useful?
• Ages within 10 years of current character ages preferred but not required.
• Ideally your character will be from a different location than our characters (our characters are from different countries), but all the characters will have teamed up for (some reason we can all plot out) to help each other finish their training/missions to become guardians.
• Genders don't inherently matter, but it'd be nice to get some testosterone up in here!
• Sexualities don't matter!
• Backstory doesn't matter!
• Personality only matters inasmuch as we’re looking for everyone in the group to be largely “good aligned”, and generally more on the positive spectrum of existing than negative. (Prefer no emo babies)
• Ideally the characters will have traveled/adventured together for some extended period of time (2-5 years?)

If you're interested hit us up by replying to this post, or feel free to leave a comment on either character journal! We look forward to hearing from you. :)

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[19 Apr 2015|02:07pm]

Blackwood City - a VTM roleplay game set in a fictional city in Mass. Need lots of people, characters and power players. Currently four types to choose from - vampire, human, hunter or lupine!
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[29 Mar 2015|10:13pm]

Vampire the Masquerade is here!
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Looking for a game. [10 Mar 2015|06:46pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Hello! My name is Julia and I am looking for a home for Albus Severus Potter. I have played him at various ages over the years, but I'd like to stick between ages 15 to 20 for the moment. I realize Harry Potter specific games are rare these days (and I didn't see one where he is currently available) so I am open to pan-fandom games that have patience for a newbie to that world. You can get a feel for him here. I also play him extensively at [info]mostlypotter. I use Logan Lerman as the PB so bonus points for the face being available.

I am well over legal age in all countries, on EST, and fairly active although I have a full-time job so I am not on every day (just most).

Feel free to leave me a comment if you like! ♥

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[13 Jan 2015|05:17pm]

Some Divergent castmates for Tris at [info]thedoorwaymods would be kind of awesome.

Please please pretty please.
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FOURTEEN SHADES RPG [04 Jan 2015|10:33pm]

Hello! My name is Julia and I write for [info]fourteenshades via [info]ftshadesmods. We are an active and friendly time displacement game that will celebrate three fantastic years in a few short months. Due to the nature of the plot, it is fairly easy to slip in and we have players who are willing to chat and email with applicants to make the application process easier (if the applicant desires). We frequently run game wide plots that change the course of the game and allow for character development. If you like exploring in depth character interactions/character growth with a balance of action plot, this is the game for you! Our next major plot will start in February so now is the time to get those applications done. :)


My personal wish list is under the cut:

Desired plots for Draco Malfoy & Arthur Weasley: )

I am an active player who is on standard eastern time. I have a full-time job so my availability is generally limited to 8 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. weekdays and various times over the weekend, but I love long term plots so I promise I don't disappear into thin air. :) If you'd like to chat, drop me a line.
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[15 Oct 2014|01:29pm]

[info]blackwoodcity We need a lot of stuff! All posted on our wanted page. We also just opened up a new character type - Lupines, the fearsome werewolves!
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[24 Sep 2014|01:22pm]

We have a large wanted list over at [info]blackwoodcity! New plot coming soon.
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[11 Sep 2014|01:23am]

Dear StarWars loving peeps,

We have a Jacen Solo over at [info]wariscomingmod who would really love to see his friend and family and etc in game!

War is a super fun and active game! Check it out if you're interested! :)

Posted via Journaler.
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[09 Sep 2014|11:54pm]

Looking for pretty much anything for [info]blackwoodcity, a Vampire the Masquerade game.
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[31 Aug 2014|02:26am]

Looking for pretty much anything for [info]blackwoodcity, a Vampire the Masquerade game. We especially need the rest of the Primogen, some elders and hounds.
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[28 Jul 2014|12:04am]

Hi everyone! I'm looking for someone to please play Lynda Rumancek, Destiny Rumancek, Norman Godfrey, Marie Godfrey, and Johann Pryce at [info]hemlockmod. The game's about to open up on July 30, but we have a team of two very dedicated mods and a small group of talented writers. I hope to see you there!
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[27 Jul 2014|03:30pm]

Hello, lovelies! My name is Julia and I'd love to invite you to the long-running multi-era Harry Potter role-play [info]fourteenshades via [info]ftshadesmods. While our cast of players is vast (thirty talented writers and counting), players often remark that they've felt welcomed right away thanks to the nature of the over-arching plot and cast members.

Game-wide plots are run almost monthly with different characters getting to act as heroes/victims/antagonists/etc. Our game-wide plots always have sign-ups so players get a choice in what roles their characters play. Players also have the chance to run their own game wide plots so no one person is always calling the shots.

Do you miss Harry Potter role-play? Do you look back on the days of comment parties and plots involving character growth with nostalgia? Are you tired of games that shut their doors too easily? If you answered "yes", then visit FTS today. Don't let multi-era scare you away. This game occasionally has off the wall plots, yes, but the characters' individual stories are rooted in realism. Yes, we are big, but we are welcoming and there are still so many available characters that would fit right in.

Look under here for links to the plot, available/taken, and wanted! )
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